Thursday, January 17, 2013

Think Pink:)

From being at Sports&Fit (a class offered here at my High School where it focuses on lifting weights and other fitness components) a little earlier than most classes, and school where it take a lot of brain power, shopping with my friend Ruby after school, baking cookies for our fundraiser tomorrow, I am pooped. As in pooped, I mean plain dog tired.

 I was a the gym making the cookies. Say wha? Nah, actually my gym here is a cute little gym in our community hospital. My Grandma works in the kitchen of the hospital as the Dietician and so it was the perfect place to make these cute little sugar cookies.

 I should of been all prepared and asked her frosting recipe. It was a homemade cream cheese frosting and tasted delicious. Granted I think any and all food tastes wonderful and say this about everything, BUT trust me. My Grandma is the best cook and caterer ever and this frosting was truly delicious. I may be just a little bias but ;)

They are for our fundraiser for my Dance Team and I's annual PINK OUT. A fundraiser for Breast Cancer. Breast Cancer is  one of the leading cause of death in women and it's scary to think that about 39,840 women will pass away from it. I am surrounded by the best and most supportive women in my life- my mom, grandma, aunts, friends- and thinking that this disease could strike them- hits close to my heart.

If you feel inclined to give, here is the American Cancer Society's Charitable Contribution. And here are some more ways to donate.

I don't know about you, but it feels nice to give and know you're helping out in the world. :)

Today's run went very very well! I ran 5.5 miles around 6:30 pace and did some ab work which consisted of planks, froggers, and crunches. Sometime when I get way more crafty and organize (ehm, more time!) I should post some of my ab work and workouts. I don't lift in my own time anymore because of Sports and Fit in the morning- which that consisted of squats, ladders, and arm work. A little of everything.

Now I'm being a really good athlete and using this stick thingy to massage my legs out. I forgot what it was called.
Tomorrow's Friday- now that's a great feeling!

Do you schedule massages for yourself?
Yes, I do. Once a month I try or every two months.

What type of cookie did you eat last?
I'm sure it's SUPER hard to guess mine ^^ :)

What are you looking forward to the weekend for?
Defintely sleepover with my friends and shopping with them Saturday.

Next race coming up? 
The 27th. An Indoor meet.

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