Friday, January 18, 2013

Friday Finds

Being an avid blog reader, Pinterest addict, and currently a Wanelo fanatic, I love finding tips, tricks, and little things on the Web. I hope you enjoy my Friday Finds, and better yet, enjoying your day before the WEEKEND! :)

1. Favorite-I-Can't-Wait-To-Get: My late Christmas Present. A personalized running necklace with my half-marathon time branded on it. I am so excited. You can purchase and personalize your own necklace for yourself HERE. (Where I bought mine)

2. I want food now. Take a look at this Pasta Pie Recipe. I mean c'mon.

3. I'm going shopping this weekend with a couple of friends. I may be shopping online too because this shirt is too precious :)
4. This bow is precious too. Can you tell I love bows?

5. Speaking of shopping, I need to remember to get coconut oil at the store. It is said that it helps hair grow longer and faster and stronger. Can you say beautiful, too? I'd LOVE to have hair like that.
6. Aww. This baby knows where it's at. Such a great photography website HERE.
7. And if this post can't get any more random, this website tells you all the things you can MAIL. A flip flop? What? Tons of creative ideas on here.

8. And because I MUST end on an even number, here is a picture of me..overly excited for the weekend. Have a great one all of you!

Last thing you bought online?

What was your run today?
-A fast speedy one of 2 miles in 12:30.

The most random running thing you've bought?
-Probably Clif Shot Blocks comes to mind, but I'm sure it was something way more random than that!

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