For instance, I'll start with the bad first. I have a terrible diet. I don't eat adequate protein for my body. I don't sleep nearly enough. I never ice bath or foam roll, and I surely don't take enough rest days. Gummi worms were my breakfast the other day.
But, I do a lot of other stuff right though. I run everyday and do different types of workouts. I warm up, cool down, and stretch, all that jazz. I'm in the weight room everyday by golly squatting 75 pounds and workin' my butt off! I talk about running like it's my passion every day, I read blogs, I love running.
But I'm not quite putting things together. It's time for that to change, and 5,4,3,2,1 it's going to happen!
As in speicific goals, I want to take my 3,000 down to 10:59 and my 1,500 down to 5:00. I want to cut 2 minutes off my half- marathon time (1:24) and run a marathon under 3 hours. You bet I'll be doing it.
If you're looking for a great workout that gets you sweating other than running, I'd highly suggest the Nike Workout App for the Iphone.
These workouts are great because they involve strength training (that often us runners neglect, especially in our upper bodies) and agility and speed work. If you're anything like me, I need all those three components to complement my endurance.
The hardest workout I have done was the Advanced Pioneer 45 Minute Workout. Plank Row. Dips. Russian Twists. Push Away Balance. TUCK JUMPS. You shoulda seen me after that workout. I was one hot mess.
And Last but not least, every Monday I'll be doing Motivational Monday:) Either a picture or a quote or something, just something to think about for the week! :)
Hopefully you've had a great day!
Do you like doing workouts like Nike Workouts or other Workout DVDS?
I used to hate them, but I'm starting to like them a lot better these days.
Do non-runners snide remarks get to you?
What is your run/workout tomorrow?!
I'm double dipping tomorrow. 7 Miler in the morning and sprints at night.
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